Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hiroko's Place, with Ray, Thu and Kim

08-22 Hiroko's Place
We had a full crowd at lunch today, but nothing Hiroko's Place can't handle. Gray days often provoke yearnings for the comfort of rice, there must be something about comfort food on dreary days that is reassuring. Ray opted for curry with rice, Thu and Kim chose omuraisu (omelet of rice and ketchup) while we picked the hamburg, served with rice, a green salad, potato salad and a fried egg. Definitely good bang for the buck.
Hiroko's Place, 75 Thompson Street btwn Spring and Broome


Anonymous said...

The "hamburg?" Nipon meets Deutsch? LoL!

Anonymous said...

OK, the first time we went, I got the Om Rice, which was very good. But I left wanting then the Hamburger Curry. Now, that I've tried that, the Hamburger Rice is next, because I love Japanese Potato Salad and it looked good. I think it's the mayo they use.