Thursday, August 28, 2008

Epistrophy Cafe, with Ray

08-28 Epistrophy
It's not that often you find fregola on a menu, much less offered as a salad course, but Epistrophy does and of course we had to try. You could say it's similar to couscous but after it's been rolled into wee little 2-3mm balls it gets toasted. Yum! Epistrophy serves their fregola pasta in a large geometric mound with slices of grilled eggplant and zucchini. The taste is lovely but it could have used less pasta or maybe some greens or something saucy alongside? Some bits of the avocado and bresaola salad could have helped or maybe a touch of the sauce from Ray's lasagne verdi.
Epistrophy Cafe, 200 Mott Street btwn Kenmare and Spring


Kathy YL Chan said...

o_O - the photo is certainly easy on the eyes! :)

Anonymous said...

Drats! I should have offered you some sause, I had plenty!

Anonymous said...

Otto offers a summer corn and fregola verdura when corn is in season. It's one of my favorite things on their menu, and I start the waiting game for it in June, before corn hits the markets. I suspect it will continue to be on the menu through September, so there's still time to go and get it! The corn is roasted and has some nice caramelization, and there are bits of green (basil?) to liven up the color and flavor even more.