47 E. 21st St, NY, NY 10010
Rating: 3 - Feeling Good
Visits: Regularly
John had to be hard persuaded to order the tagliatelle al ragu that I always get, especially because M. was having it too and that made the same dish for the three of us. Which goes against all sorts of friends ordering rules, especially of the close friends type where the object is to order as many different dishes as possible to get the greatest variety possible. But in the end we prevailed and we all the three of us ate the same comforting ragu lunch.
1 comment:
It was quite a long while ago
When I last ate with Front Studio
We went for Italian – Via Emilia
The lasagne, the penne or the tone al griglia?
Other dishes were nice
But could not otherwise entice
The tagliatelle al ragu was best, so we ordered it thrice
Super happy time, but no joyful tears,
Our eyes were dry, as were our ears.
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